
Dana is a Sanskrit word meaning generosity. The Buddha established a system of interdependence between the monastic community and lay supporters around 2,600 years ago. Lay people who make offerings to monastics have the opportunity to generate blessings and wholesome karma. Furthermore, it is a way to maintain the Buddha's teachings by supporting monasteries and meditation centers. Generosity is one of the pillars of the Buddhist spiritual path and a source of blessings. It is also one of the Bodhisattva Paramitas - an essential practice for the path to Buddhahood.

Practicing generosity though dana is a way to help practitioners dissolve their egocentric mind, attachments, and discriminative thinking, all of which are the essence of the Buddha's teachings.

Here at Universal Chan, we joyfully carry on this wholesome tradition by inviting donations from the community and creating the foundation of spiritual practice for future generations.